Soluciones de fabricación a medidaServicio de anodizadoSoluciones


Anodizing is commonly used to improve the corrosion resistance and durability of aluminum parts used in the aerospace, automotive, and construction industries.

Servicio de anodizado

El anodizado es un proceso electroquímico utilizado para aumentar el grosor y la durabilidad de la capa de óxido natural en la superficie de las piezas metálicas., típicamente aluminio. The process involves immersing the metal part in an electrolyte bath and applying a current to the part, which causes the formation of a thicker and more stable oxide layer on the surface.

Anodizing can also be used to add color to the surface of the metal part by using dyes or pigments during the anodizing process. The benefits of anodizing include improved corrosion resistance, improved durability, and the ability to add color to the surface of the metal part without the need for paint or other coatings.

The anodizing process can be broken down into several stages


The metal part is cleaned to remove any dirt, oil, or other contaminants from the surface.


The metal part is etched in a chemical bath to prepare the surface for anodizing.


The metal part is immersed in an electrolyte bath and a current is applied to the part, which causes the formation of a thick, durable oxide layer on the surface.


The metal part is treated with a sealing agent to close any pores in the oxide layer, which improves corrosion resistance and durability.