Soluções personalizadas de fabricaçãoMolde de injeçãoSoluções


Injection molding is used to produce a wide range of plastic parts, including toys, automotive components, medical devices, and consumer products.

Molde de injeção

A moldagem por injeção é um processo de fabricação usado para produzir peças plásticas injetando material plástico fundido em uma cavidade do molde. The molten plastic is injected into a mold cavity under high pressure and allowed to cool and solidify, after which the mold is opened and the part is ejected.

The benefits of injection molding include the ability to produce parts with high precision, repeatability, and consistency, as well as the ability to produce complex shapes and geometries. Injection molding is also a relatively fast and cost-effective process compared to other plastic manufacturing techniques.

01Mold design

A mold is designed to the desired shape and size of the final part.

02Material preparation

Plastic pellets are melted and fed into an injection molding machine.


The molten plastic is injected into the mold cavity under high pressure.


The plastic material is allowed to cool and solidify inside the mold cavity.


The mold is opened, and the part is ejected from the mold cavity.